Choose the more convenient option.

Fly direct to and from Rochester, Minnesota, with flights on American Airlines and Delta Air Lines, with daily arrivals and departures, easy parking, close proximity to Mayo Clinic, and more at Rochester International Airport.

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Visit American Airlines or Delta Air Lines for the most up-to-date flight arrival and departure information.

Traveling to Mayo Clinic?

You’re only 15 minutes from your appointment at Rochester International Airport. Our support and special services make your visit to Mayo Clinic easy.

Photo credit: Paul Flessland

Quiet Room icon - for Mayo Clinic airport travelers, nursing mothers, or anyone needing a quiet, accessibility friendly space before their flight

Quiet Rooms


Private rooms with a bed or recliner and adjacent restroom for nursing mothers, medical travelers, or anyone needing a quiet space before departure. 

Arts Elevated icon

Arts Elevated


The Arts Elevated program is an opportunity to provide an enhanced airport experience and lift travelers’ spirits through dynamic showcases of local and regional artists.

Books on the Fly Mini-Library icon

Books on the Fly Mini-Library


Rochester International Airport and the Rochester Public Library are pleased to provide a mini-library with free books that may be taken with no obligation to return. Travelers are also welcome to donate their own books for other passengers to enjoy.

Wifi icon

Free WiFi


RST provides free wireless internet access in the main terminal. To use the free internet simply turn on your device and connect to the network “RST FREE”– no password needed.

Services + Amenities

True Cost Calculator

Before you book, calculate the true cost of driving to another airport versus flying from Rochester International Airport (RST). The True Cost Calculator incorporates:

  • Airfare
  • Mileage
  • Travel Time
  • Parking

You can modify these assigned values using the “Change these values” link.
To + From RST To + From MSP
Input Your Airfare
Mileage $0.00 {{calculator.distance * calculator.mileage | currency}}
Travel Time $0.00 {{calculator.distance / 65 * calculator.hourly | currency}}
How Many Days Parking
Estimated Total Cost {{'rst') | currency}} {{'msp') | currency}}

Mileage based on {{calculator.distance}} miles round-trip to MSP at the 2023 IRS rate of {{calculator.mileage | currency}}/mile. Travel time assumes an average speed of 65 miles per hour and is valued at {{calculator.hourly | currency}}/hr. Parking rates are based on $9/day for 1-6 days (free on the 7th day) at RST and $19/day at MSP (Value lot, regular rate).

Change these values
Calculator Options
Enter Mileage Value (default {{calculator.mileage | currency}}):
Enter Hourly Rate (default 20.00):
Distance in roundtrip miles between airports (default 170 miles):
Enter Daily Parking Rates:
RST (default $9.00):
MSP (default $19.00):

Close Options

Need even more reasons why you should fly RST?

Don’t miss out on the benefits of flying locally with us. Save time and choose Rochester International Airport for your next flight!