The History of Rochester International Airport (RST)

Historical image of the RST airport

Featured Historical Highlight

A group of Mayo Clinic physicians, scientists, and technicians threw themselves into solving problems. In the process, they made discoveries and created innovations that influence aviation and medicine to this day. Watch Reaching New Heights: Secret Stories of the Mayo Clinic Aero Medical Unit to learn the history of the invention of the G-suit that made high-altitude flight possible for US fighter pilots.


“We must provide the capability for people to travel to Rochester to receive medical services.” —William James Mayo


“Airplanes are the best long-distance mode of transit for the ill. Gentlemen, we must have an airplane with the ability to move patients.” —William James Mayo


“Transportation is the lifeblood of Rochester (and Mayo).” —William James Mayo

Historical painting of Dr. William Charles Mayo


The airport is originally founded in southeast Rochester by Drs. William and Charles Mayo. It originally resides on 285 acres and is owned and operated by the Mayo Foundation.


  • The airfield is officially dedicated as “Rochester Airport.” The dedication of the new airport is matched with Rochester’s Diamond Jubilee festivities on June 11, 1929.
  • Charles Mayo delivers a dedication address to a crowd of 10,000.
  • The Rochester Airport Company is founded as a subsidiary of the Mayo Foundation.

Historical image of the 1929 dedication of the Rochester Airport


  • DC3s begin to land on grass runways. Weather and wet slush/snowstorms damage several planes.
  • A two-million candle-watt lamp is installed on the Plummer Building.


  • On June 23rd, a very ill William J. Mayo asks Mr. Lobb what should be done to improve the airport and calls emergency meetings to request to pave runways.
  • William J. Mayo, champion of the Rochester Airport, dies on July 28, 1939.


  • The Rochester Airport Company improves the facility with paved runways.
  • The “new” Rochester Airport is dedicated on August 4th, 1940. American Airlines’s flagship is christened the “Minnesota” and the Northwest Airlines DC3 is christened the “City of Rochester.”
  • Northwest Airlines opens a full-time office in Rochester.
  • Flights operate to Des Moines, Kansas City, Tulsa, Chicago, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.
  • 85 additional acres are acquired to bring the total land to 370 acres.
Historical image of the Rochester Airport in the 1940s.


  • The Mayo Foundation gives the airport to the City of Rochester because, as a private corporation, Mayo is not eligible for Federal Grants for airport improvements.
  • The Rochester Airport Company continues to operate the airport under an operating agreement with the City of Rochester.


  • The airport is officially named “Lobb Field.”


  • With growing passenger volumes (75,000 annually), the City needs a bigger airport, so a site is selected eight miles south of downtown. The airport is moved to its present location and called “Rochester Municipal Airport.”


  • The airport is renamed “Rochester International Airport” with the addition of a US Customs facility.


  • The US Customs facility is moved to the main terminal, allowing private aircraft international access to arrive directly in Rochester.
  • The airport terminal building is remodeled to accommodate US Customs, expand the security checkpoint, and improve the facility for passengers.

2019 and On

  • The airport is located on approximately 2,400 acres of land.
  • Two major air carriers operate with scheduled service: American Airlines and Delta Air Lines.
  • One major cargo carrier, Federal Express, operates daily, enabling shipments from around the world. Daily delivery of 40,000 medical specimens from more than 4,000 clients in 80 countries arrive for processing at Mayo Clinic Laboratories.
  • Mayo Clinic Ambulance provides ground, helicopter, and airplane patient transport. Open 24/7, RST is one of the busiest airports for air ambulance service in the country.
  • RST sees continued growth with on-airport development, including an Industrial park and Business park.
  • The Rochester Airport Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mayo Clinic – Rochester, continues to operate the airport for the City of Rochester.

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