Runway Improvements

runway markings

Project Overview

Runway 2/20 has reached the end of its useful life and requires reconstruction. Uninterrupted air access is necessary for the critical users of Rochester International Airport (RST). Air ambulance operations, cargo carriers transporting medical supplies and patient travelers rely on RST remaining open 24/7. Construction is underway on a multi-year project to reconstruct and improve the airfield.

Project Funding

RST gratefully received financial support from a combination of federal, state, and local agencies to fund this project.

Funding Amount
Federal Aviation Administration
$62.8 million
State of Minnesota
$11.4 million
City of Rochester
$5.0 million
$79.2 million

Project Components

Reconstruction and improvements to Runway 2/20 and associated taxiways

Instrument approach improvements

Reconstruction of runway intersection

Environmental analysis and site mitigation

Land acquisition and utility and road relocation

Specifically, the project will include:

  • A 1,647-foot extension to Runway 2/20 and Taxiway B, resulting in an ultimate 8,354-foot runway
  • New 40-inch pavement section (sand, gravel, pavement)
  • 12,000-pound concrete breaker used for the project
  • 275,000 square yards of pavement removed and recycled
  • 7 million cubic yards of material excavated
  • 8 miles of underdrain tile to improve drainage
  • 13 miles of underground electrical cable and conduit
  • 500 new LED runway and taxiway lights


Environmental Assessment

RST completed environmental review processes for these proposed airfield improvements in 2021 and 2023 and received environmental clearance for the project from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Final Supplemental EA documents and the FAA’s Findings of No Significant Impact/Records of Decision are available on the Master Plan page.

Runway 2/20 Project Gallery

Project Groundbreaking Ceremony

MAY 7, 2021

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