Instrument Landing System Complete

instrument landing system

Rochester International Airport (RST) recently completed $6.2 million in upgrades to its instrument landing system that will improve pilots’ abilities to land aircraft in very low visibility.

The upgrades equip RST with what is known as a Category II Instrument Landing System. The upgrade includes new approach lighting stations on the airfield and a new equipment shelter.

The system will be used starting in July 2024.

With increased capabilities during poor visibility conditions, RST will be better able to receive diversionary aircraft from Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport, improving the state aviation system.

This advancement marks another milestone in RST’s Runway Safety Project 2/20 which kicked off in 2021. Previous improvements completed as part of the multi-year, multi-phase $80 million project include reconstructing and reconfiguring runways and taxiways, including added drainage, lighting, and improved runway safety areas. Next steps include relocating an existing pipeline and roadway south of the airport to allow for an extension of the runway.

Funding for the critical infrastructure improvement project, including the $6.2 million needed for the Category II Instrument Landing System, is made possible through federal, state, and local dollars.

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