It’s our “pretty please” to travelers to Fly Local, or Flocal. The idea is that when you Flocal, you help fill our existing flights, which makes us irresistibly appealing to airlines considering adding new direct routes from RST to more cities.
Essentially, you become a copilot in our airport’s growth and vitality when you Flocal.
Besides the obvious reasons, there is some behind-the-curtain rationale that may sway you:
You Flocal, I Flocal, we all Flocal. That’s our hope, anyway! But really, Flocal applies to all kinds of travelers from our area – individuals, families, and those flying for business. We’re currently on a mission to get everyone to Flocal. Check out a list of local businesses that have pledged to Flocal here. 👇 (BTW, we love you so much!)
We’re not asking you to fly out of Rochester for every flight you ever take for the rest of your life. We’re just asking you to check us first.
Review the flights out of RST before you book a different airport, and use us if it makes sense!
Commit to flying locally 5% more and help support the Rochester and southeast Minnesota economy, expand our flight options, and maintain a travel lifeline to Mayo Clinic patients.
Schedule a time below to learn more about how your company can make an impact by flying locally!
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